About us

Ertzaintza (ERTZ) is the autonomous police of the Basque Country and depends on the Security Department of the Basque Government. Created in 1982, it has its central base in Erandio and has 25 police stations distributed in the different regions of the Basque Country.

The Ertzaintza is a holistic police force and as such it has all the competences in the following areas:

  • Public Order
  • Public safety
  • Traffic
  • Games and shows law enforcement
  • Fight against terrorism
  • Criminal investigation and Forensic science – Judicial police

The development of all these competences is carried out through several units that make up Ertzaintza.

Expertise and experience

During the last years Ertzaintza has been very actively involved in R+D+I aspects and more concretely in the collaboration with some European projects in which we have participated as members of consortia of funded projects or as stakeholders providing our inputs and requirements as a Law Enforcement Agency.

On the basis of previous work, Ertzaintza has expertise in: 

  • Scenarios and ucase study design (pilots, practical demonstrations…)
  • End user requirements analysis
  • Evaluation and knowledge capitalisation
  • Validation and testing procedures as specialised practitioner
  • Training


Our role in this project, as in all those we participate in, is to try to improve the quality of life of the citizens of our community through technology, facilitating policing and the daily work of officers while increasing safety and security.

Except for the WP with more technical content and the one related to ethical aspects in which we will be less involved, our role in all other WPs will be very active, both in management, dissemination, socio-economic impact analysis, and of course, above all in the creation and design of the case studies. More concretely, ERTZ will participate in the activities regarding the end-user needs, demonstrations, training and evaluation activities, lessons learnt, as well as in the dissemination activities. ERTZ’s main milestone in the project will be to improve its web-based complaint handling system, solving the current problems in the identification of people, so that this process can fully guarantee the current legislative process of filing complaints without citizens having to come in person to a police department to verify their identity and ratify the complaint. ERTZ will collaborate with technology developers in the process of implementing this service in its current system.

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