Understanding the economic impacts of digital identity.

Digital identities are of interest mainly for their anticipated (beneficial) social and economic impacts. But what are these impacts, and which impacts can we realistically expect in different countries and circumstances? This blog post provides an introduction to these questions, focusing on economic impacts. A future post will turn to social and political impacts.

IMPULSE co-creation.

The IMPULSE solution is being tested in five different countries that have different social and socio-technical structures. During the co-creation activities developed by LUT university team and executed in each case site, it was found out that these different environments have a lot of similarities amongst them. Based on the observations and conversations with the partnering organisations, we found common ground for the piloting case sites.

European Union Identity Wallet (EUID Wallet).

The EUID Wallet is an initiative supported by the European Comission that consists in the definition and creation of a digital wallet that will allow European citizens and businesses to securely access online services across the European Union. Last February, the latest specification of the EUID Wallet was published. This document provides a reference framework for the digital wallet, including the protocols, standards, and data models used in the system. It describes the technical standards and specifications that will be used to ensure interoperability and security between different components and systems.

Real Corp 2022

Throwback to IMPULSE’s participation in the 27th edition of Real Corp on Mobility, Knowledge and Innovation Hubs in Urban and Regional Development, in Vienna, Austria.

Meeting with DIHOST

The IMPULSE project organises its first event for Digital Innovation Hubs and their ecosystems to present opportunities for collaboration.

DIH-World webinar

Participation of IMPULSE in the DIH-World webinar on 8th November 2022.